This policy has been created following the UK Government’s most recent announcement of additional measures to manage the spread of COVID-19, but may be subject to amendment given the changing nature of this issue.
The wellbeing of our passengers, drivers and employees is our number one priority. We continue to offer a full service to all passengers and customers for your essential travel needs and delivery services during this period. In line with UK Government advice, we have a clear set of guidelines around managing the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and protecting our people, passengers and drivers, whilst we maintain service continuity.
At the core of our policy is an adherence to Public Health England (PHE) guidelines – issued by the UK Government and regularly updated.
We are continuously reinforcing PHE precautions to our drivers and employees to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We encourage regular hand washing, and are providing hand sanitiser, gloves and disinfectant wipes to drivers. We are asking drivers where possible, to courier no more than two people in a vehicle at one time, and for passengers to sit in the back. We are asking passengers to follow UK Government and PHE/NHS guidelines and ensure they are not exhibiting symptoms associated with COVID-19 before they book with us. We are requiring drivers and employees who live alone and are exhibiting symptoms associated with COVID-19 to follow NHS guidelines, notify relevant individuals internally and stay at home. We are requiring drivers and employees who live with someone or people who exhibit symptoms associated with COVID-19 to follow NHS guidelines, notify relevant individuals internally and stay at home for the full period of 14 days, from the point that the first person in the house became ill.
You must wear a face covering when travelling in our vehicles, you can also request a vehicle with a protective shield when you book via app or phone.
We understand that people may have concerns about travelling in public transport vehicles during this time. We can assure you that as well as following PHE advice, Spearhead Cars has put its own measures in place, including provision of gloves and sanitisation products for drivers, and encouragement to keep a clean car at all times. Masks are being encouraged amongst our drivers and we will continue to monitor PHE advice closely and stand ready to make necessary changes to help protect our passengers, employees and our drivers.